C.I.B./CZ CH/SK CH/RUS CH Eswood Lavender Leaf ''Laksi'' ...IN LOVING MEMORY... Laksi
was our foundation bitch who gave all her heart and a part of her name
'Lavender Leaf' to our kennel. Laksi was faithful and smart, she liked
hiking, skiing and swimming with us. Together we traveled a lot by car
and by boat. Laksi loved water, she was so happy travelling by ship or
small boat. She was the best friend at every moment of our life. She is missed horribly by her family and friends worldwide... She
left beautiful memories...She continues in her
children and grandchildren...Her 19 puppies live, win and have offsprings in 9 countries of Europe, America and Asia. The first purebred keeshond imported to Czech Republic in January 2009, the first purebred keeshond who got the titles Czech Junior Champion (2010) and Czech Champion (2011) More about Laksi here.
At the moment we have 2 females in the kennel and 4 co-owned males in the other homes. OUR FEMALES
C.I.B./CZ CH/SK CH/RUS CH Alpine Snowbell from Lavendermist meadow ''Coozie'' Born 26.12.2011. PHPT negative. International
Champion (C.I.B.), Czech Champion, Slovakian Champion, Russian
Champion, Champion of CMKU (CZ National Kennel Club - all breeds),
Champion of Czech Spitz Club, National Winner. Coozie
is an outstanding show dog, at her 15 shows (12 International) she was the best female 13 times (twice she received RCACIB). She got her titles easily and in minimal time. She is very good in
agility. Her health tests are excellent. But above all she is my heart
dog. She is a kind, gentle, loving and sweet girl. Coozie never fails to
surprise me with her beauty and temperament. Coozie wasn't in our breeding program but she raised her younger sister Talia, nephew Arthur and our podengo Maini. Sire: C.I.B/ Multi CH / FR CH/ CAN CH/ AM CH/ NO CH/ DK CH/ LUX CH/ PT CH/ SCHWZ CH, PT W-2006, DKV-2010 Volfgang D'Arlande: Dam: C.I.B./ CZ CH/ RUS CH Eswood Lavender Leaf: Pedigree:
HEALTH TESTS: Hips A/A. Patellas 0/0. Elbows 0/0. Osteochondrosis (Shoulders) not afflicted. Eyes checked clear. SHOW RESULTS: Int.show in Ludvigshafen, Germany, 2012: ''Very promising puppy''. Int. show in Bergamo, Italy, 2012: ''Very promising puppy'' . Int.show in Prague, Czech Rep., May 2013: Ex1, CAC CR, CAC CMKU, CACIB. Int.show in Firenze (Italy), May 2013: RCACIB.
Int.show in Litomerice, Czech Rep, May 2013: Ex1, CAC CR, CAC CMKU, CACIB. National Dog show, Czech Rep. June 2013: CAC CR, CAC CMKU, BOB. NATIONAL WINNER. CZECH CHAMPION
Int.show in Bratislava, Slovakia, Oct.2013: 2 x CAC Slovakia, CACIB, RCACIB. Int.show Livorno, Italy, May 2014: EX.1, CAC Italy, CACIB, BOB. Int.show Lucca, Italy, May 2014: Ex1, CAC Italy, CACIB, BOB. C.I.B. - INTERCHAMPION (FCI)
Int.show in Litomerice, Czech Rep., May 2014: EX1, CAC CR, CAC CMKU, CACIB, BOB. CHAMPION of CMKU
Int. show in Bratislava, Slovakia, October 2015: 2 x CAC Slovakia, 2 x CACIB, BOB, BOS. SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION.
2 National Shows in St.Petersburg, Russia, April 23-24, 2016: 2 x CAC Russia, BOB. RUSSIAN CHAMPION.
_______________________________________________________ OUR FEMALES C.I.B./CZ GCH/ B&H GCH / MNE GCH / RUS & EST & LT& LV & Baltic CH Crystal Dewdrop from Lavendermist Meadow ''Tal-ia'' Born10.07.2015. Health tests: PHPT negative. HD A/A, ED 0/0, patella 0/0. 
Interchampion (C.I.B.) Czech Grand Champion. Grand Champion of Bosnia & H. Grand Champion of Montenegro. Latvian Champion. Estonian Champion. Lithuanian Champion. Russian Champion. Russian Junior Champion. Baltic & Mediterranean & Adriatic & Balkans Champion. Champion of CMKU (CZ National Kennel Club - all breeds). Champion of Czech Spitz Club. Agility: Level A3. Tal-ia is a puppy from Laksi's third litter (born 10.07.2015). She is a smart, active and sweet girl. Successful in conformation, she became Czech Grand Champion at the age of 23 months and Interchampion at 27 months. Talia has been successful at numerous Agility trials. Level A1 and A2 were finished with 11 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals. Now she competes at Level A3 the 3rd year.
SHOW RESULTS: April 2016, St.Petersburg (RUS): 4 CAJC, BOB. JUNIOR CHAMPION(Russia).
October 2016, Int.Show DuoCACIB Prague (CZ): 2 CAC CZ, CAC CMKU, CACIB, RCACIB, BOB. November 2016,Int.Show DuoDanube Bratislava (SK): 2 CAC SK, CACIB, BOB. February 2017, Int.Show DuoCACIB Brno (CZ): 2 CAC CZ, CAC CMKU, CACIB, RCACIB, BOB. CZECH CHAMPION. March 2017, Int.Show Piacenza (IT): Ex1, CACIB. March 2017, Int.Show Parma (IT): Ex1, CACIB. April 2017, Int.Show Ceske Budejovice (CZ): CAC CZ, CAC CMKU, CACIB, BOB. May 2017, Int.Show Litomerice (CZ): CAC CZ, CAC CMKU, CACIB, BOB. CHAMPION CMKU (Czech National Kennel Club - all breeds) June 2017, Intercanis Brno: CAC CZ. CACIB, BOS. CZECH GRAND CHAMPION July 2017, National Shows Dole (Latvia): 2 CAC LT, 2 BOB, Ogre Winner. LATVIAN CHAMPION July 2017, National show Tartumaa (Estonia): 2 x Ex1, SK Estonia, BOS.
July 2017, National Shows in St.Petersburg (Russia): 2xCAC RUS, CH RKF.
RUSSIAN CHAMPION August 2017, National show in Šalčininkai (Lithuania): CAC, BOB, Club Winner. LITHUANIAN CHAMPION. BALTIC CHAMPION. November 2017, Int. Show DuoCAIB Prague: Ex1, 2 CAC CZ, CACIB, CAC CMKU, RCACIB, BOS. International Beauty Champion (C.I.B.) April 2019, Int. Show Prague: Ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG4, Prague Winner. September 2019, CAC and DuoCACIB Bosnia & Hercegovina: 3 CAC, 2 CACIB, 3 BOS. Grand Champion of Bosnia & Hercegovina. September 2019, Duo CACIB Montenegro: 2 CAC, 2 CACIB, BOB, BOG, BIS-3. Grandchampion of Montenegro. Mediterranean Champion. Balkans Champion. Adriatic Champion.
Our co-owned males: CH Blessed to hope from Lavendermist meadow ''Ray'' Co-owned with kennel SHAINAKEES (USA) and Mary Lynch. AMERICAN CHAMPION (AKC). AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Therapy dog. Love on Leash Therapy pet. AKC
Champion Trick
Dog. Canine Conditioning Fitness, and other titles.
 Born on 17.11.2013. PHPT negative.
Alpine Aster from Lavendermist meadow ACT2 TKI NFP''Havel'' co-owned with Joanna Loucky-Ramsey (USA)
Born on December 26, 2011. PHPT negative. Pedigree is here: 
Havel successfully finished Beginning and Advanced obedience classes. In June 2013 he completed Advanced agility training. More about Alpine Aster in agility - on the website of Hidden Meadow Inn: http: //hiddenmeadowinn.com/who-are-we/animals-at-the-inn/ CH Blessed to amaze from Lavendermist Meadow ''Olly'' Co-owned with Lorena Barbaric (Italy). Croatian & Slovenian & Hungarian Champion.C.I.B. (pending)
 Born on 17.11.2013. PHPT negative. Click for Pedigree:  Moetica King of Hearts for Lavenderkees ''Arthur'' Co-owned with Vanessa Lavallee (Canada). Born 2.04.2019 Sir: Ch Blessed to dare from Lavendermist Meadow ''Reddy'' Dam: Ch Ursula Sumbarsky Pramen ''Tara''. Arthur is Laksi's grandson. He lived with us from 10 to 16 weeks of age and then moved with his co-owner to Wales, Sweeden and finally Canada, where he currently lives. He has a wonderful temperament of a family dog, dog-companion.
 Alpine Eryngo from Lavendermist meadow ''Ringo'' Born on 26.12.2011. PHPT negative. Crossed Rainbow bridge in 2021.
Ringo began his show career successfully, received a few CAC and CACIB at the shows in Sweden. Later he had to change his family and became a wonderful companion and a therapy dog for his elderly owners. He passed away soon after his beloved human Mom, now they are together again.